UHS logga 16:9

Press releases from Uppsala Health Summit

  • Uppsala Health Summit 2023: Chemical Pollution and One Health
    Environmental pollutants are responsible for at least 9 million deaths worldwide each year and contribute to significant chronic health issues in humans and animals while also causing serious environmental disruptions. The Uppsala Health Summit bring...
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  • Healthy food systems in focus at Uppsala Health Summit
    Food lies at the heart of both health and sustainable development. This year’s Uppsala Health Summit takes on the challenges associated with our food systems and how to make them healthier, more inclusive, equitable and sustainable.
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  • Better Cancer Care in Focus at Uppsala Health Summit 2018 
    Thanks to advances in treatment options, the chances of surviving cancer are better than ever before. However, cancer incidence is increasing and new forms of therapy are expensive. As a result, resource management and priority setting face major cha...
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  • Report Uppsala Health Summit: 100 years after the Spanish flu – how can we protect ourselves against new epidemics?
    Warding off the threats of future epidemics will be difficult without better cooperation and contingency plans that allow us to act before a crisis hits. This is one of the messages in a new report summarising the discussions of the Uppsala Health Su...
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  • Report on global infectious disease threats highlights challenges, ahead of Uppsala Health Summit 2017
    Infectious diseases are among the biggest threats to health in the world. Recurrent alarms about the risk of disease spread, epidemics and pandemics make the subject highly topical and evoke anxiety in many of us. In a report published today, Uppsala...
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  • Uppsala Health Summit announces travel grants for journalists to participate in summit on global infectious disease threats
    Uppsala Health Summit has decided to offer four travel grants for journalists who would not otherwise be able to attend the summit on 9–11 October 2017 at Uppsala Castle, Sweden. The theme of this year’s summit is Tackling Infectious Disease Threats:...
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  • Infectious disease threats in focus at Uppsala Health Summit 2017
    Despite remarkable gains in health over the last century, infectious diseases remain a major threat. Alarming reports on outbreaks of Zika, Ebola or avian flu serve as reminders of the gravity of the situation. At the high-level meeting Uppsala Healt...
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  • Post-Conference Report: Childhood obesity requires actions against an obesogenic environment (in Swedish)Konferensrapport Uppsala Health Summit: Barnfetma bekämpas bäst med åtgärder i närmiljön
    Rikta åtgärder mot den fetmaframkallande miljön runt barnen och inte direkt mot de enskilda barnen och deras familjer. Det är den viktigaste slutsatsen i slutrapporten från toppmötet Uppsala Health Summit, som publiceras idag.
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  • Conclusions on ending childhood obesity from Uppsala Health Summit 2016
    The main conclusions from Uppsala Health Summit's meeting on Ending childhood obesity were delivered to WHO's open process on their draft Global Implementation Plan on Ending Childhood Obesity.
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  • Uppsala Health Summit lanserar 2016 pre-conference report (swedish)2016 Tema: Ending Childhood Obesity
    Inför toppmötet Uppsala Health Summit om barnfetma, som äger rum 11 -12 oktober, har en rapport tagits fram som sätter fokus på de skilda utmaningarna, allt från sockerskatt till hur man anpassar insatser för migranter och engagerar näringslivet. Rap...
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  • Childhood Obesity in Focus at Uppsala Health Summit
    In just a few decades, the number of overweight and obese adults and children in the world has reached alarming levels, not least in low-income countries. This year, Uppsala Health Summit is taking place in conjunction with World Obesity Day: 11-12 O...
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  • Conference report points the way in the fight against antibiotic resistance
    The aim of Uppsala Health Summit, this summer’s international summit about antibiotic resistance, was to make real progress in combatting this threat to public health. The conclusions have now been presented in a report which provides policy makers a...
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  • Public lecture during Uppsala Health Summit
    During next week’s Uppsala Health Summit on antibiotic resistance, Dr. Manica Balasegaram from the international Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) will give a public lecture addressing this topic on June 1. Journalists also have the opportunity to atten...
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  • Uppsala Health Summit publishes pre-conference report
    For the upcoming Uppsala Health Summit on antibiotic resistance, 2–3 June, a report has now been published focusing on some of the most pressing issues and challenges. The aim of the meeting is to move the discussion forward, from the ‘what’ to the ‘...
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  • Uppsala Health Summit släpper rapport inför toppmötet
    Inför toppmötet Uppsala Health Summit om antibiotikaresistens, som äger rum 2–3 juni, har nu en rapport tagits fram som sätter fokus på några av de mest brännande utmaningarna. Målet är man under mötet ska lyckas förflytta diskussionen från ”vad” til...
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  • Många toppnamn inom antibiotikaresistensområdet besöker Sverige under två dagars toppmöte i Uppsala
    Med avstamp i WHO:s globala handlingsplan mot antibiotikaresistens, som beslutas i maj, tas nästa viktiga steg för att realisera planen vid toppmötet Uppsala Health Summit 2–3 juni. Programmet är klart och bland deltagarna finns representanter från f...
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  • Uppsala Health Summit on antibiotic resistance to follow decision by WHO
    Shortly after the World Health Organization (WHO) global action plan on antibiotic resistance has been adopted in May 2015, researchers, politicians and representatives from public health organizations and the pharmaceutical industry will gather in U...
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  • Antibiotic resistance on the agenda in Uppsala, Sweden and worldwide
    The theme for the next Uppsala Health Summit, to be held in Uppsala on 2–3 June 2015, is antibiotic resistance — one of the biggest global health challenges of our day. The basis of this Summit will be the WHO draft Global Action Plan against antimic...
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  • New conference report: Lifestyle changes and new technology can ease elders’ lives
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  • Ny konferensrapport: Livsstilsförändringar och ny teknologi kan göra livet lättare för äldre
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Contact us

  • Uppsala Health Summit
    c/o Uppsala University
  • Mail: info@uppsalahealthsummit.se