Healthcare for Healthy Ageing, 2014

Healthcare today is at a crossroads, and an ageing population is one of its major challenges. This is a positive result of medical and economic development, but current demographic transition and changes in demand strain health systems and health budgets globally.
We need to compress morbidity, to reduce the number of unhealthy years and to increase the quality of life. We need to respond to the economic challenges created by the demographic development.
Many solutions are within reach, in research results, innovations, and information in patient and disease registries. But we are faced with both economic and ethical dilemmas, and many advances do not reach the patient today.
Only through an open and frank dialogue on problems and solutions can we improve health outcome and pave the way for more healthy years for ageing populations.
The summit focused on:
- Preventive care, including life style issues and the value of diagnostics and screening
- Care and treatment for autonomous ageing
An example
35.6 million people worldwide suffer today from different forms of dementia, costing society more than cardiovascular disease and cancer combined. This number is expected to double by 2030, and more than triple by 2050. Countries in demographic transition will, according to the WHO, experience the fastest growth. How can available knowledge and innovations help society to give our future elderly a dignified and autonomous life?
The plenary presentations are available to watch online
View the plenary presentations from Uppsala Health Summit 2014