Our Partners
Uppsala University is the oldest university in the Nordic countries, with a living cultural environment and fantastic student life. There are 40,000 students here, and they are seen, heard, and noticed everywhere. World-class research and high quality education pursued here benefit society and business on a global level. The University is characterized by diversity and breadth, with international frontline research at nine faculties and limitless educational offerings at undergraduate and master levels.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU, is a world-class university in the fields of life and environmental sciences. SLU’s knowledge is an important component in many things that people take for granted. Whether it is the food we eat, or the animals we either husband on our farms or love as pets, or the forests that we wander in - all are subjects of SLU’s attention.Research and education at our university spans the range from genes and molecules to biological diversity, animal health, sustainable forestry and food supply – and all in a healthy environment. We are also concerned with global phenomena such as the global warming. A comprehensive view, interdisciplinary studies and applicability are the ethos of SLU’s research and education, and in our contacts with industry and society.
Uppsala Region helps everyone in the county to stay healthy and feel good. We offer equal and gender neutral health and medical care, characterized by high quality and sensitive consideration, where people can get help when they need it, and where the money is used to best advantage. Our collaboration with Uppsala University gives us fast track access to new knowledge that can be rapidly put to good use in the care we offer. We also create the right conditions for a good life in the county, thanks to public transport, a rich cultural life and sustainable regional development.
The Medical Products Agency (MPA) is the Swedish national authority responsible for regulation and surveillance of the development, manufacturing and marketing of drugs and other medicinal products. Our task is to ensure that both the individual patient and healthcare professionals have access to safe and effective medicinal products and that these are used in a rational and cost-effective manner.
The Swedish Veterinary Agency, SVA, is a Swedish national authority that strives for good animal and human health, a good environment and sustainable food production.The most important role of the Swedish Veterinary Agency, is to align the activities towards contagious and other serious infectious diseases of animals that imply a threat to supplies of animal foodstuffs, that lead to losses for the production of animals, that concern pets, or involve diseases that can be transferred to human, i.e. zoonoses.
The City of Uppsala is Sweden's fourth largest municipality. Perhaps best known for its 15th century university, the city also offers visitors beautiful surroundings, a lively cultural scene and a rapidly expanding business sector. Companies in Uppsala are world leading in areas such as ICT and life science.The city is located 70 kilometers north of Stockholm in the province of Uppland. The resident population is just over 200.000.
Örebro University currently ranks among the top 500 universities in the world according to Times Higher Education 2022. For a few years now, we have also been included on the Shanghai ranking (ARWU) and most recently on the Leiden ranking. Close ties between teaching and learning, research and collaboration, are the mutual starting points for all activities. We offer many attractive professional degree programmes in, among others, medicine, psychology, law and engineering. The university has strong research within medicine, psychology, environmental science and computer science. Our vision is to be a university that leads towards a knowledge-driven society.