Policy Documents
- The UN’s17 Sustainable Development Goals recognize the strong link between food, health, economic development and environmental sustainability. Goal 3 covers healthy lives and well-being for all at all ages. To ”reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment” by 2030 is one of the targets set up.
- The WHO Global Non-Communicable Disease Action Plan 2013-2020 emphasizes the role of governance for combating non-communicable diseases. Access to and understanding the role of a healthy diet is part of the strategy.
- In January 2016, the WHO Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity presented its final report to the WHO Executive Committee. The report describes the need for a holistic approach to the children’s obesogenic environment, covering several policy areas and engaging various stakeholders.
- FAO’s Declaration on nutrition and Framework for Action from November 2014 are strong statements on the role of malnutrition to global health, on the complexity of malnutrition and all forms of malnutrition are threats to sustainable health. FAO’s policy documents and the WHO Commission’s report ”Ending Childhood Obesity” underline the critical role played by national governments in developing healthy environments for children and their families.