UHS logga 16:9

Our world needs a One Health approach

The One Health concept is based on an understanding that the health of people and animals are inextricably linked, and that we are bonded to the health of the environment in which we live and on which all life depends.

In a time when human activity is putting the entire planet´s health at risk, the One Health approach urges scientific disciplines to work together - locally, nationally and globally - to better prevent, detect and respond to complex and emerging human health threats. Since 75 % of all emerging infections are zoonotic, i.e. transmitted between humans and animals, infectious disease and the related antimicrobial resistance is central to the One Health conversation.

One Health provides a new synthesis for public health and veterinary commities, and is a platform on which to build partnerships with a broader range of disciplines to develop solutions for preventing and responding to zoonotic disease threats"
WHO-OIE Operational Framework for Good governance at the human-animal interface, 2014


Copyright: World Bank

What is One Health in Action?

At the local and national level, a One Health approach urges collaboration between public and animal health on surveillance and diagnostics (sharing of data and labstructures for example). It helps devise more effective prevention through joint vaccination campaigns and better informed risk communication. At the level of national policy, the adoption of a One Health framework can help clarify benefits, divide responsibilities among ministries, and develop the rationale for sharing costs. At all levels the One Health conversation supports global and planetary health agendas for sustainable development.

Why One Health at Uppsala Health Summit?

One Health requires the involvement of many actors - from academia, the biomedical industries, governmental and civil society. But breaking down siloes and working across sectors can be challenging. Uppsala Health Summit is a forum for dialog across disciplines and sectors. At the summit 2017: Tackling Infectious Disease Threats – Prevent, Detect and Respond with a One Health Approach, we invite delegates to discuss implementation challenges in a number of areas where the One health approach can make a difference. Our point of departure is the FAO/WHO/OIE tripartite concept note of 2010 for sharing responsibilities and coordinating global activities to address health risks at the animal-human-ecosystem interfaces.

In order to achieve more effective management of zoonotic and other high impact diseases in the future, there is a global need to improve diagnostics, data analysis and risk assessment, epidemiology, social science and communication."
The FAO/WHO/OIE Tripartite Concept Note, 2010

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  • Uppsala Health Summit
    c/o Uppsala University
  • Mail: info@uppsalahealthsummit.se